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Common HVAC Issues in Arkansas Homes and How to Address Them

In Arkansas, where the climate varies from hot, humid summers to chilly winters, HVAC systems play a crucial role in maintaining home comfort. However, just like any mechanical system, HVAC units in Arkansas homes are prone to specific issues due to the regional climate. In this blog, we'll explore common HVAC problems in Arkansas and offer practical solutions to keep your system running smoothly.

1. Overworking During Extreme Temperatures

During the intense summer heat and cold winter months in Arkansas, HVAC systems can become overworked. This can lead to breakdowns when you need your system the most.

Solution: The key is preventative maintenance. Scheduling regular check-ups, especially before peak seasons, ensures your HVAC is prepared to handle extreme temperatures. Upgrading insulation and sealing drafts can also reduce the strain on your system.

2. Humidity-Related Problems

High humidity levels in Arkansas summers can make air conditioning systems work harder, leading to excess wear and tear.

Solution: Regular maintenance should include checking and cleaning the evaporator coil and installing a dehumidifier to help manage indoor humidity levels. This not only eases the load on your AC but also improves indoor air quality.

3. Clogged Filters Due to Pollen and Allergens

Arkansas's natural beauty comes with a price: high pollen and allergens, especially during spring and fall, can clog HVAC filters.

Solution: Replace air filters more frequently during high pollen seasons. Consider upgrading to HEPA filters for better allergen control.

4. Inefficient Heating in Winter

Inefficient heating during the cooler months can be a common issue, leading to higher energy bills and uneven heating.

Solution: Ensure your heating system, including the furnace and heat pump, is serviced before winter. Upgrading to a more efficient system or adding supplementary heating sources in colder rooms can also help.

5. Drainage Issues

HVAC systems in humid climates like Arkansas can have issues with drainage, leading to water leaks and potential damage.

Solution: Regular checks of the condensate drain line and pan are important. Cleaning and clearing any blockages can prevent water-related issues.

6. Wear and Tear of Components

Regular wear and tear of HVAC components can be accelerated by Arkansas's varying climate.

Solution: During routine maintenance, have all moving parts inspected and lubricated if necessary. Timely replacement of worn-out components can save you from larger repairs down the line.

7. Thermostat Malfunctions

Thermostat issues can lead to ineffective temperature control and inefficiencies.

Solution: Regular calibration of your thermostat ensures it accurately reads and responds to indoor temperatures. Consider upgrading to a smart thermostat for more precise control.

Choose Scott Systems for Your HVAC Solutions

At Scott Systems, we understand the unique HVAC challenges faced by Arkansas homeowners. Our team of experts is equipped to address these common issues, ensuring your system runs efficiently regardless of the season. From routine maintenance to advanced system upgrades, we provide the solutions you need to maintain a comfortable and efficient home.