Scott Systems Heating & Air

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Why should I purchase a maintenance agreement?

Proper maintenance on your heating and cooling system is as important as changing the oil in your car. A professional HVAC technician should inspect your HVAC system at least once a year. Many equipment manufacturers require that proper maintenance be performed on your heating and cooling system. Without proof of proper maintenance, a manufacturer can possibly deny a warranty claim if one should arise.

By having your system maintained regularly, possible future problems can be addressed before they become actual problems. The last thing you want is for your system to not operate as needed when you need it the most. Keeping your HVAC system clean keeps your system working more energy efficiently and keeps your home more comfortable.

Scott Systems offer two different maintenance membership plans to fit our customer’s needs. Our Scott’s VIP membership plan gives you two maintenance visits per year, priority service, and discounts on repairs and service calls. We also offer our Scott’s Lite VIP membership plan which has all the benefits of our VIP membership, but with only one visit per year. We service both the cooling and the heating in the same visit.

Start the year off right. Sign up for a VIP membership for your HVAC equipment!