3 Ways to Warm Up in January

January is a month for heating. That means you need to be monitoring your HVAC system, especially the ‘H’. Here are 3 tips to help you with your furnace.

1. Keep it Clean

You need to make sure your heating system is cleaned at least once a year by HVAC professionals at Scot Systems Heating & Air while you may be comfortable dealing with your air filter, a technician can actually inspect the entire system for any problems. This helps your system run much more efficiently, which will lead to lower utility bills.

2. Have No Obstructions

In addition, make sure that registers and ducts are not obstructed. Blocking a vent with furniture puts considerable strain on your system and can cause energy bills to go up. Make sure to keep your furniture off those vents to allow the system to run better.

3. Get Rid of the Outdated

If your current system isn’t working as well as it used to, you might need a more energy-efficient model. Instead of spending more money on an inefficient machine every month, get a new installation. It will save you money in the long run.

If you want a new and improved HVAC Unit or just want maintenance, trust Scott Systems Heating & Air. We have tailored our services to meet the needs and budgets of our clients. Today, we continue to commit to that heightened level of customer satisfaction by delivering honest, dependable service.
